Why MindStore Works… It seems it only works!

Why MindStore Works…It Seems It Only Works!

April 18th, 2012 Article supplied by Jack Black – founder of MindStore

The other day Stephen sent me a copy of a piece in Sundays Telegraph Magazine, thought you might be interested in it?

The basis of the article is that recent discoveries from scientists back up the approaches that we take in MindStore. In particular there has been a discovery of a part of the brain that develops after childhood that in effect inhibits us from “letting go and unleashing our creativity”

All of us apparently possess a vast reservoir of untapped creativity. The article quotes Picasso “Every child is an artist; the problem is how to remain one once we grow up.” It turns out that this recent research proves Picasso right. The final part of the brain to develop actually inhibits our creativity. It helps explain the effortless creativity of young children before their brains mature and the sensors of inhibition are established.

It seems that in order to be better problem solvers and unleash our creativity, we need to learn to inhibit our inhibitions. If Picasso was still with us we could show him how, and even the scientists are now able to prove to him exactly why MindStore works.

The article has an insert that reads as follows:

How to have a Eureka Moment


Take a break

Why did Archimedes have his breakthrough in the bath? Moments of insight are always proceded by a steady rhythm of Alpha waves (induced by relaxing activities) from the brains right hemisphere.

Cheer Up

Studies show happy people solve 25% more “insight” puzzles than unhappy ones. Even fleeting moments of delight can prompt more epiphanies

Stay In Bed

Shortly after wakening is ideal for insights as the drowsy brain is unwound and open to unconventional ideas.

Ditch the Drugs

Stimulants such as caffeine increase our attention (WH Auden edited his poetry for hours, high on Benzedrine) but make epiphanies less likely as they shift attention away from the right hemisphere and its ”remote associations”

Further the main article ends with an experiment lead by the psychologist Michael Robinson apparently he randomly assigned a few hundred under graduates to two different groups. The first was given the following instructions:

“You are 7 years old and school is cancelled. You have the entire day to yourself. What would you do? Where would you go? Who would you see?”

The second was given the same instructions, with the first sentence deleted. These students didn’t imagine themselves as 7 year olds.

After writing for 10 minutes, the subjects in both groups were then given various tests of creativity, such as trying to invent alternative uses for an old car tyre. The students who imagined themselves as young kids scored far more highly, coming up with twice as many ideas as the other group. It turns out that we can recover the creativity we have lost with time. We just have to pretend we’re little kids.

By using the repeatedly tried and tested methods of MindStore, we reach into that part of the brain we worked so well as children. We even have a playground and a playhouse to enter. We have endless uninhibited fun where we can meet inner “friends” with which to imagine all manner of things. We ultimately release our innate creativity and intuition to find breakthroughs and solutions that otherwise would not emerge into our consciousness.

What you and I need to do is to purposefully inhibit our inhibitions and become childlike again to do so all you need to do is….

Find a comfortable position; Close your eyes, Take three deep breaths etc. etc. etc.


For more information contact us on : enquiries@mindstoreaustralia.com, or call us on 07 3040 2229.