This amazing quote comes from Oscar Postorius. He also goes by the name of “Blade Runner” or the “fastest man on no legs” He is a double leg amputee who has inspired a generation.

He has overcome significant physical and mental challenges to achieve his dream. Imagine how out of his comfort zone he has come to achieve his vision. He can run 100m in 11.04seconds. Next time you are feeling athletic have a go and see how long it takes you to run 100 metres. By the way, Usain Bolt the olypmic record holder does it in 9.63 seconds.
Next time you feel yourself saying you can’t, remember Oscars motto to inspire you to do be and have more in your life.
If you would like to know more about the creation of useful mental habits, and improving performance through simple mental tools and techniques then give us a call at MindStore. We would be glad to arrange a time to have a conversation.
We are in the last quarter of 2012. What have you or your teams achieved in the field of personal development and growth so far? If like many people you could be doing more, then make time now to find out how MindStores toolkit will help your people access simple tools to improve the performance and leadership skills of their teams, departments and the organisation as a whole.
Remember by empowering people you transform organisations.
At MindStore we fundamanentally believe that “All performance is due to the quality of our thinking”.
Dare yourself to unleash more of the amazing capacity you and your teams have inside yourselves to improve your performance and to do be and have more in your business and personal lives.
Until next time, thanks again for taking time out in your day to read this newsletter.
Have a Spectacular September!
Blade Runner by Oscar Pistorius
Although this was published in 2009 before he achieved his goal of competing in the able bodied Olympics, this is a very inspiring read. His journey through extraodrinary challenges is a lesson for us all to focus on our goals and vision and not give up. Rightly voted as one of Time magazines 2008 “100 most influential people.”
Click on link below for book details and ordering if your interested.
MindStore is available to organisations across Australia.
We are able to deliver customised in-house corporate training events and business performance improvement courses. Before an event we meet to take the time to find out about the key dangers facing your business as well as the opportunities. This enables us to design a course that meets your needs rather than delivering a repeated one course fits all event.
MindStores complete mental tool kit gives you the best techniques for managing stress, developing resilience techniques,maintaining a positive mental attitude and influencing those around you.
We believe in empowering people and transforming organisations.
We also share tools for increasing creativity and innovation to solve challenges in organisations. These mental tools and techniques are easy to learn on the day and are immediately actionable by participants resulting in instant performance improvement and ongoing increased effectiveness, enthusiasm and energy.
If you are interested in this then please drop me an e-mail or click on the contact page on the website. |