October Newsletter

Welcome to your October 2011 Newsletter

Last month you will remember we discussed that life is a series of decisions or choices, well this month following on from that if you ever wished you could improve your draw technique above that which you had when you left school then decide to get this book. Believe me after a few hours with this book, I even framed my first drawing.

Forgive the delay in sending the newsletter this month as I wanted to include news about our MindStore Conference which ended on 15th of October.

As always feel free to forward this to anyone you feel would benefit from reading it.

Enjoy and have an Awesome remainder of October!

Damian and the MindStore Australia team


MindStore International Conference

I am inspired having just returned from our MindStore Conference held at our MindStore Institute in Stuttgart, Germany. Had a fantastic time with the founder Jack Back and other MindStore associates from around the world.

Came away with many new techniques and tools which are being introduced to make MindStore even more cutting edge and a true leader in its field. I am so excited and motivated to share these with you in the future, as space is limited in this newsletter.

The contributions from Klaus in Germany and also Marvin in France were amazing, we truly have a fantastic team of people on board doing amazing work in-house with businesses around the world and also transforming individuals lives too.


Workplace Stress a major challenge new report reminds us

While over in the UK this month I came across this article on Stress:


Many of us know about stress and its impact on our personal health and on an organisations effectiveness, but how many of us seek out and utilise the effective and powerful tools and techniques available to build resilience to stress and the other negative impacts in the workplace. Why not contact MindStore to arrange a meeting to discuss the benefits of specifc inhouse programmes which can be provided by your orgnaisation for the most important part of your business THE HUMAN BEINGS in it.

We all know if we take time out to think about it that any project no matter how complex or challenging only happens when the humans involved make it happen.

As an international organisation MindStore has over the last 21 years worked with over a half of the Footsie 100 ‘s largest companies aorund the world. Our extraordinary tools and techniques absolutely enable individuals to manage Stress. It just works and we have countless inspiring stories about how our tools have helped individuals who were suffering from Stress. To bring everyone to a point of balance free from stress and urgency and therefore the ability to make the correct decisions.
Think about it, it just isn’t good enough anymore for all of us to be rushing around up to our necks in demands and schedules, yet still expect to make good decisions and choices. Many of these directly impact our lives but, more importantly, can in many cases influence the lives of countless others in our organizations and wider industry.
Ancient wisdom tells us to slow down and regularly take time for peace and quiet, not only to manage our stress but for taking time out to find balance and clarity.
Clearly, if we commit to learn to build into our busy schedules time to take stock and relax we will all perform much better. Even just taking time out to actually stop and think is relatively rare in the modern age. I strongly recommend that you find your own way of doing so. Better decisions make for a better life.

Book Review Corner

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

First published in 1979 this fantastic book initially explains the differences of the two hemispheres of the brain in perception and drawing. This follows on from the Nobel Prize winning research carried out by Roger Sperry and others in the late 1960’s. There is a new version which is also available with updated text. ISBN:0874774241. Within a few hours of sitting down and reading this book and doing the exercises, I was able to draw an apple on a chair, that in my view was so fantastic that I was inspired to sign and frame it. It is amazing. This book continues to be recommended at MindStore Courses around the world as additional personal development reading to participants. I would recommend you source a copy.




We constantly update and innovate our techniques making acessing Mindstores unique tools easier for everyone living such fast paced business and personal lives. Keep an eye on our website for more details of these exciting developments.