October marks the start of the last quarter of the calendar year. The last 3 months to achieve the Professional and Personal Goals you have written down for this year.
How about a few inspiring short video clips to reignite your passion for the goals you set earlier in the year?
Everyone is busy at work, but are we productive? I challenge you to take 5 minutes to watch these 3 clips. Call it Professional or Personal Development! It might just spark some thinking to empower you to achieve more this quarter.
Wishing you an Outstanding October!
Change is good so… this months corner is You tube clips of the month“Change is the law of life..” JF Kennedy said, so this month we have put together some short motivational, inspirational videos which you can watch whenever you need a boost. From the late Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society (3mins) “Sieze the day.. make your lives extraordinary”http://youtu.be/veYR3ZC9wMQ Next one is from Remember the Titans (40sec) “everything is about change… ” http://youtu.be/b0ksPPA0dOQ. Finally a Star Wars powerful moment from Yoda (50sec) ” do or do not do… there is no TRY!” http://youtu.be/eExL1VLkQYk?t=16s These take less than 5 minutes to watch, sadly I find that for many people that’s about all the personal or professional development they get in a quarter, or year in some instances. We all know that people are the greatest resources in any organisation and I am passionate about partnering with organisations to live up to their visions and missions regarding people development. To summarise, sieze the day, remember everything is about change, and do it! |
Most of us know this Latin phrase, and its meaning.
How many of us though, actually apply it?
We know we should sieze the day, watch less TV, eat better, exercise more, make time each day to stop and think, spend more quality time with family and loved ones.
Additionally we know we should have our personal and professional goals written down. Review them daily and take time to visualise them being achieved. Often the busyness of life catches up with us and slows us down. This is where we need to develop through Mindstores tools the Desire, Belief and Expectation that our goals can and will be achieved.
This is the begining of the last quarter of the year! just 80 days or a little under 2000 hours left.
Those of us with written goals have just 3 months to make it happen. Those without written goals have only 3 months to think about them and then make them happen!
Living on a tidal waterway I see it every day, the unstoppable rising and ebbing flow of the tide. This is the time to use MindStores tools to re-inspire, re-motiviate and re-focus, ourselves to deal with the ebb and flow of our inspiration, motivation and energy this quarter.
As shared before the most powerful way to do this is to take time out every morning to “progamme your day”
The ability to take time to close your eyes and mentally reherse your day. The ability to pre-prepare for meetings and important calls.
Being able to maximise your energy, improve your performance, protect yourself from negativity and also use tools to manage stress are key parts of Mindstore’s success with 500,000 people over the last 25 years.
Now is the time to find your MindStore planner,to use it daily, to remind yourself of the MindStore tools and to use them daily too.
If you want to see change in your Professional and Personal life, then be the change you want to see and Sieze the day.
A final thought……….. |
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“Amateurs practise till they get it right,
Professionals practise till they can’t get it wrong”
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