Has 2015 been your best year ever in business?
If the honest answer is “It could be have been better” then consider making changes to make sure 2016 is your best year.
We have the opportunity to change our thinking at our January Breakfast with the help of Damian from MindStore Training and discover tools to create clarity and passion around your Business Vision.
Damian has worked with companies like Budget Direct to train senior leadership teams to “see” and visualise the new vision for the company and to engage with it. He also worked with large LNG projectcompany to help staff with tools around managing stress, and focusing on the Opportunities in projects v the default thinking of focusing on the Dangers or negative.
To make the most of this opportunity we would ask everyone to participate in a short confidential Questionnaire around the Challenges and Opportunities for your business going into the New Year.
We need your input and feedback to make this breakfast as relevant as possible and to make sure you gain the most from it.